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Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
ENG-GER  25.11.2019, 23:07
DrDerrek Offline

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ENG-GER  Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
[Image: photo5395831542577736596.md.jpg]

English version below

Deutsche Version [Image: ger.png] :

Wer es nicht schon anhand der Lieder im Radio, der nervtötenden Fernsehwerbung oder der Dekorationen in den Straßen bemerkt hat: es weihnachtet wieder! Auch unser Forum bleibt dem Weihnachtszauber nicht verschont und da hoffen wir natürlich auch auf eure rege Beteiligung. Denn geteilte (Vor-)Freude ist doppelte Freude! Zusammen mit euch wollen wir diese schöne und besinnliche Zeit des Jahres auch im Forum feiern.

Worum geht es in diesem Wettbewerb:

Erschafft irgendetwas, dass mit Miraculous und Weihnachten zu tun hat! Dies kann eine Geschichte (Fanfiction) mit weihnachtlichem Anklang sein, malt ein Bild, schreibt ein Gedicht oder stellt die schönsten Szenen aus Chris Master mit Ü-Ei Figuren nach und filmt es! Eurer Krativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Hauptsache, man kann es in diesem Forum posten und hat etwas mit Miraculous und Weihnachten zu tun! Die besten Einsendungen prämieren wir mit Gewinnen, die wir euch als Weihnachtsgeschenk frei Haus zusenden werden.

Die Regeln:
  • Die Einsendung muss Bezug zu Weihnachten und Miraculous haben
  • Eine Einsendung pro Person ist erlaubt
  • Der Annahmeschluss ist der 18.12.2019
  • Die Bekanntgabe der Gewinner erfolgt am 20.12.2019
  • Teilnehmen kann jeder, der im Forum registriert ist und seinen Beitrag in dieses Thema postet
  • Jeder Teilnehmer kann in einer Prioritätsliste seine Lieblingsgewinne angeben, welche nach Möglichkeit berücksichtig wird

Die Gewinne:

[Image: Weihnachtsgewinnspiel.png]
  • 1x Original Ladybug Miraculous in der Miraculous Box
  • 1x Plüschkwami Pollen (links)
  • 1x Plüschkwami Trixx (rechts)

Alle Gewinne stammen aus dem ZAG Store in Santa Monica, wo auch die Serie selbst produziert wird!

  • Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen
  • Es besteht kein Anspruch auf eine Teilnahme und Gewinn, das Forenteam behält sich vor, Teilnehmer bei missbräuchlichem Verhalten zu disqualifizieren
  • Zur Zusendung des Gewinns muss der Gewinner seine Postanschrift dem Forenteam mitteilen. Diese Adressangabe wird zur Zustellung des Gewinns benötigt und wird nach Zusendung des Gewinns gemäß DSGVO wieder gelöscht.

English Version [Image: eng.png] :

You might have heard the Christmas songs on the radio, might have seen annoying Christmas TV commercials or noticed the decorations in the strees: it's Christmas time again! Sure enough we spread the magic of Christmas in our Forum as well, and hope you help us out with that. Because sharing the fun doubles the fun! Together with y'all, we want to celebrate the wonderful and contemplative time here in our Forum.

What's this contest about:

Create something, that relates to Christmas as well as Miraculous! This could be a christmas themed story (fan fiction), a self-drawn picture or even a poem as well as a filmed re-enactment of the best scenes from the Chris Master episode using the Kinder Surprise figurines. We do not set any limits to your creativity. The main thing is, that it is postable in this forum and it relates to Miraculous as well as Christmas. The very best postings will receive a Christmas present, which we will send to you free of charge.

The rules:
  • Your submission needs to be related to Miraculous as well as Christmas
  • One submission per person is allowed
  • Submission deadline is the 18.12.2019
  • Announcement of the winners is at 20.12.2019
  • Everyone having a (free) account in this forum and submitting the artwork into this thread can participate
  • Every participant can submit a priority list alongside their submission, what present they would prefer to have, which we will consider if possible

The presents:

[Image: Weihnachtsgewinnspiel.png]
  • 1x Original Ladybug Miraculous in the Miraculous box
  • 1x Plush Kwami Pollen (left)
  • 1x Plush Kwami Trixx (right)

All presents are from the official ZAG Store in Santa Monica, where the show itself is produced!

  • Any recourse to courts of law is excluded
  • There is no entitlement for participating and receiving the present, the forum staff reserves the right to disqualify participants with abusive behaviour
  • In order to receive the present, the participant needs to send us his/her postal address. This address will be used for the sole purpose of sending the present and, according to GDPR, will be deleted afterwards

(This post was last modified: 25.11.2019, 23:14 by DrDerrek.)
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29.11.2019, 18:11
Dakota Offline
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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Hi Folks!

Since probably no one dares, I make the beginning. With a poem. However in German. Creating rhymes in a foreign language is unfortunately too difficult for me. As a tribute to the English language, I chose the verses in the form of Limericks. For those who can not speak German, here is a short summary:

The Christmasgift

Paris celebrates Christmas and Cat Noir has a gift for Ladybug to prove her love. A necklace of golden ladybugs. But she does not want to accept her because she loves someone else. Cat Noir hides his grief and says, it's just a Christmas present from a friend. Christmas is passing and everyone meets at school to show their gifts. Only Adrien is sad and silent. Then comes Marinette and she wears the necklace. Then Adrien realizes who she really is and that she loves him.

I hope my english is not so bad. Blush
Oh, if I really should win something, I would be very happy about Trixx. It fits the color perfectly to my KTM and could be my "protective Kwami" when I switch the engine control from "road" to "race" again ... Wink

Hallo Leute!

Da sich wohl keiner traut, mache ich den Anfang. Mit einem Gedicht. Allerdings auf Deutsch. Reime in einer Fremdsprache zu kreiren, ist leider zu schwierig für mich. Als Hommage an das Englische habe ich aber wenigstens die Versform des Limericks gewählt.

Ach ja, wenn ich wirklich was gewinnen sollte, würde ich mich über Trixx sehr freuen.
Er passt farblich perfekt zu meiner KTM und könnte mein "Schutz-Kwami" sein, wenn ich mal wieder die Motorsteuerung von "Straße" auf "Race" schalte...  Wink

 [Image: Das_Weihnachtsgeschenk.jpg]

Sorry for what i said when i was akumatized...
(This post was last modified: 29.11.2019, 18:13 by Dakota.)
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07.12.2019, 09:43
LCN4life Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Hers my fanfiction! It's called the candy cane. (This is in English so ?)

Marienette ran around her room flinging on her coat, scarf and boots, it was chilly outside, the snow was five inches deep. "WAHHHHH!!! TIKKI!! WHRES MY PRESENT FOR ADRIEN!!" She shouted while franticly searching for the parcel. "Marienette! Under your desk!" Tikki sqeaked, she had a cold from all the snow and chilly breeze. "Marienette, your going to be late!" Sabine Cheng called out from the kitchen, she was packing a box full of candy canes for marienette to take to school, every year Mari took candy canes for her class. "Coming!" Mari yelled as she started to resend down the stairs. "Here you go dear, stay warm!" Sabine yelled to Mari as she sprinted out if the bakery. "Tikki, did you eat?" Mari asked as she jogged to school, "I had a cookie, now keep yours eyes on the road!" She sqeaked as Mari tripped over on ice. The candy canes went flying everywhere, on the steps of the school, on the pavement and on... Adriens feet. She groaned and looked up. "Are you ok marienette?" Adrien asked her as he helped Mari up. "Hehe I'm amazing... Uh I mean fine!!!" She splintered as she smiled stupidly at him. He handed her box of candy back and smiled. "Thanks.." she said embarrassed as she quickly scurried away. "Girl what was that?!" Alya exclaimed as she laughed, "WAHHHH! Today's going to be a disaster!" Mari groaned, the bell ring and they both walked to class together. "Now class, marienette has brand in some candy canes for us today! She will come around and hand everybody one. Say thank you to marienette" miss bustiea states as the class thanks Mari. She walked around the room handing everyone a candy. When she gets to Adrien. Mari handed Adrien a candy cane and quickly pulls out her present. "Here you go Adrien!!! It's a llama!! Uhmm I mean a skateboard, No! ... It's a coat..! Hehe" she stammers as she hands him a parcel wrapped with santa printed paper. "Oh, thank you marienette!" He thanked as he open it. He smiled as he shrugged the coat on and gives her a hug. "Thank you! This is the first christmas present I've had in ages!" Adrien says. "EEEEEE!!" Mari sqeaked as she started to turn a beetroot red. She ran away and sat down, covering her head with her arms. "Wow! Well-done girl!" Alya says as she high fives Mari.( 5 hours later)The bell rings for the end of school and class is dismissed. Mari waves goodbye to alya and walks him. "WOW!! Tikki he liked it!!" Mari tells tikki amazed, "good job marienette!" Tikki sqeaked proudly. "Hi marienette! How was your day?" Tom and Sabine asked as she walked into their house. "It was great papa! I gave Adrien his present and everybody loved the candy canes!" "Oh love, well-done! Sabine says as she gives her a hug. Mari walks up stairs and flings herself into her desk chair. "Tikki, when do I need to go on patrol again?" She asks, Mari had patrol tonight but she couldn't remember when. "Hmm, I think it's at six o clock, you have three hours!" She says as she bites into a cookie. "Time to sew adriens next christmas present!" Mari states as she starts to cut up some fabric.

6:00 pm.
"Ok marienette, patrol time!" Tikki told mari. "Ok, let's go tikki!". "Tikki, spots on!" She calls as she transforms. Now ladybug, she throws her yo-yo out the window and leaps out. The breeze was freezing and the snow had gotten deeper, snowflakes were falling through the air gracefully as she swung through Paris. Lb landed on the top of the Eiffel tower and listened to the couch of freshly fallen snow on the surface and the howling of the wind. She heard a thud and a chuckle. "Hi bugaboo!" Chat exclaimed as her pounced from behind her. "Hi kitty, can you please not jumps are me next time?" She says annoyed at him. Chat chuckles again and winks. "I brought a blanket to sit on m'lady." He says as he lays a pretty red blanket down on the side, you could see the school, Louvre and the wax museum from the edge of the tower, the starry night sky with little snowflakes falling through the air, ladybug walked over to chat and sat down. Most nights went like this, they sat down, talked and watched the night. "So, how was your day?" Chat inquired as he put his arm around LB. "It's was ok, school was actually ok today too." She said, " how was your day?" She asked, she genuinely wanted to know, she didn't know chat very well. "It was amazing! One of my friends have me a coat! It's pretty cool too, it's blue with green and yellow stripes on it, and white fur on the inside, it's really warm!" He yarns on, and on. Lb wasn't really listening, she was focused on a black shadow move across the ground against the snow. "Chat, look" she says as she points at the ground" "huh? Oh what's that?" He asks as he squints at the ground. "I'll go have a look.." she said as she found her yo-yo down she flew through the air and landed on the ground with a crunch. She looked around and saw something on the ground, it looked small, fluffy and.. a cat? "Aww hi little guys, are you cold?" She said as she picked up the fluffy ginger, " it's ok chat! It's just a cat !" She shouted as she swung up to the top of the Eiffel tower again. She put the cat down and looked at chat noir, "it's a little you!" She said as she giggled. "Hah very funny." Chat said as he tried not to laugh. LB sat next to him again and put the cat down in-between them. Ladybug snuggled up to chat and petted the cat. "Sorry, how was your day again chat? I didn't hear." She asked as she sat up. "It's was great, a friend of mine gave me a candy cane and a present." He said as he smiled. "Talking of candy canes, want to go get some?" Chat asked her, lb agreed and stood up. "The bakery?" Chat asked as he stood up and picked the cat up. "Sure, while we are out we should find this guys home. " Ladybug said pointing at the cat. "Let's go find your home little guys!" Chat says and he jumps down and extends his baton. Ladybug jumps of the edge and pulls herself up onto her yo-yo, she loved the sensation of flying through the air on her yo-yo. Chat put the cat down onto a pavement and looks at his collar, "here you go, here's your home!" He says as he puts the cat down on a door mat and rings the bell. "Ok, now let's go get some candy canes m'lady!" Chat exclaims as he puts his arm around her shoulders. Ladybug pushed open the door and walked inside, chat following behind. "Oh hello ladybug and chat noir, how may we help you at this hour?" Tom dupain asks as he puts down a bag of flour. "Hi da- um I mean Mr dupain, can we have two candy canes please?" LB Asks, Tom heaps two candy canes and puts them into a tiny paper bag. "Here you go, free of charge!" He states as he hands her the bag. "Thank you Mr dupain!" They say in unison. A thought pooped to Lab's mind, chat said that a friend brought in some candy canes and gave him a present, "wait a second, I bring in candy canes and gave.. Adrien a present..?!" She mumbled to herself. She looked at chat and smiles, " let's go eat these candy canes M,lady, care to come?" Chat asks as he takes her hand. "Ok, the tower?" She asked as she steps outside. "Yep, race you there!" Chat agrees as he grins and jumps onto his baton. "Your on kitty!" She yells as she throws her yo-yo. They land onto the Eiffel tower and sit down on the blanket, ladybug was planning to ask chat something, it was about the candy canes. "Hey chat, you said that a friend brand in candy canes and gave you a present?" She inquires as she pops the candy cane into her mouth. "Yeah, why m'lady? You aren't jealous are you?" he asks jokingly as he smiles. "What was the present chat?" She asks, could chat really be Adrien?!? WAHH! " It was a coat, are you ok bugaboo?" He says as he looks at her. "Are you Adrien agreste?" She blurts out as she started to hyperventilate. "M'lady, we aren't supposed to know each other's identities! How did you know!?" He states as he looks at her dumbfounded. "I gave you the candy canes and coat, !!!" Ladybug says as she states back full of shock. "Are you marienette m'lady?!? Be honest!" He stutters as he looks into Lab's eyes. "Yes, and are you Adrien?!" She stutters "yes, m'lady all that time at school, and you are ladybug!? How could I of been so blind!? I can see it so clearly now!!" He shouts as he throws his arms around her, lb hugs back and whispers into his ear. "I love you Adrien, your the best present I could ever have for christmas!" She shouts back and she laughs. "I love you too Mari." They stayed hugging for ages, not wanting to let go, for now they were one. A couple of true love, a pair that was meant to be. "Do I have you permission m'lady?" he asks as he takes her hand "yes you do" she smiles as he pulls her onto his baton. THYE glide down to the ground and land. "Can I take of my mask m'lady? Only with your permission." He asks as he lets go of her hand. "Yes, and may I take off mine?" She says. "Yes." Chat says. "Tikki spots off" , "plagg, claws in" . The two superheros now teenagers once again looked at each other and smiled. "May I walk you home marienette?" Adrien inquired, he took her hand. "It would make me the happiest girl alive" Mari replied. They walked home together, the snow falling down above, like a heavenly mist. Adrien opened her door for her and walked inside. "Goodnight m'lady, I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he kissed her hand. "Goodnight kitty, I can't wait for tommorow." She sqeaked as she started to blush. Tikki and plagg were talking to each other, tikki waved and plagg waved bye too. "Goodnight sugarcube!" Plagg called as he grinned at tikki, "don't call me sugarcube stinky sock!" She says back annoyed. "Bye Adrien!" Mari says as she closed the door. "Tommorow is going to be a good day tikki!" Mari sighs as she sits down in her chair. "Yes marienette it will!" Tikki says as she snuggled up to Mari.

So that's the end of my fanfic the candy cane! I hope that this is gonna win, and if I do win can I pretty PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE have the ladybug earrings? I would love to have them! Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy my story!
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16.12.2019, 21:36
SusuAfton Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Für den Wettbewerb habe ich mich für ein Fanart entschieden!

Man sieht hier ´´Ladybug´´ beziehungsweise jetzt Lady-Deer mit dem Kwami Deery.
Das Design habe ich mir selber zusammen gebastelt, bzw durch meiner Fantasie!
Ich dachte auch das Rentiere, zu Weihnachten auch ziemlich gut passen! 
Ladydeer trägt zwar eine magische Kette aber das ist nicht das Miraculous. Die Kette verheilt ihr aber schneetastische Kräfte. Je nach Belieben, kann sie Rentiere zu sich rufen, oder zulassen das es anfängt zu schneien. Durch die Kette kann sie auch nur bestimmte Gegenstände erscheinen lassen, die zum Winter und zum Weihnachten angebracht sind, wie ein Schlitten, Tannenbäume und mit viel Glück sogar Geschenke.
Das Miraculous ist der Nasenpiericing an ihrer roten Ruldoph Nase. uwu
Man sollte aber aufpassen! Ihr Geweih kann sehr gut mit dem Kataklysmus von Chat Noir/Cat Noir sehr gut mithalten!
Außerdem ist sie sehr schnell wie ein Rentier unterwegs und sehr achtsam. 
Als Lady-Deer ist sie auch etwas aufgedrehter drauf. 

Von den 3 Preisen, die zur Verfügung stehen, würde ich mich echt über Trixx freuen! Ich liebe Füchse und wollte mir auch ein Tattoo von einem Fuchs stechen lassen. Und werde es auch tun, wenn ich volljährig bin! :3 
ich besitze echt nicht viel Merch von Miraculous, bis auf den Kalender für das nächste Jahr, deswegen würde ich mich echt über Trixx freuen! ;-; 

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Eto Lyubov...
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17.12.2019, 23:20
Samyra Offline
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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Zuerst wollte ich nur ein kleines Bild zeichnen, in dem Plagg und Tikki sich etwas schenken und im Hintergund durch Zufall noch ein Reveal passiert ...
Aber ich wäre doch nicht der Kwami der Comics, wenn ich nicht die Chance für einen Comics nutzen würde Adrien 
Viel Spaß!

[Image: 6t0P7XF.png]
Achja, Ich würde mich voll über die Ladybug Ohrringe freuen! Hungry Plagg
(This post was last modified: 18.12.2019, 18:06 by Samyra. Edit Reason: Wunschpreis )
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18.12.2019, 18:58
Mimic Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
This is my not entry entry Big Grin
since I am one of the Admins I won't be judged but I still wanted to do something ^^

[Image: e0569b-1576688192.png]
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18.12.2019, 22:37
Sietona Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Hallo, ich will auch mitmachen. Wenn ich gewinne, möchte ich die Ohrringe.

[Image: photo_2019-12-18_21-27-59.png]
18.12.2019, 23:08
Eywalion Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Although i'm also outside of the competition, i felt inspired by Mimics contribution. So i also drew a Marinette. Its a Ladybug Version of the cute Marinette in winter clothing, that you can see in our banner at the moment  Adrien

[Image: LadybugWinter.png]

18.12.2019, 23:29
Mimic Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
(18.12.2019, 23:08)Eywalion Wrote: Although i'm also outside of the competition, i felt inspired by Mimics contribution. So i also drew a Marinette. Its a Ladybug Version of the cute Marinette in winter clothing, that you can see in our banner at the moment  Adrien

[Image: LadybugWinter.png]

Wow I didn't knew you could Draw XD
Good Job Buddy ;D
18.12.2019, 23:59
Cara Offline

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RE: Christmas Contest - Weihnachtswettbewerb
Hallo das ist mein Bild! Smile
(Ihr findet es im Anhang.)
Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch. Ich habe mir überlegt, Adrien und Marinette beim Weihnachtsbaumschmücken zu zeichnen. Der Baum ist in der Mitte zwei-geteilt. Die eine Hälfte zeigt Marinette, die in ihrem Zimmer mit Tikki den Baum schmückt, auf der anderen Seite schmückt Adrien aus seinem Zimmer aus mit Plagg (wobei Plagg den Baum natürlich mit Camemberts schmückt  Hungry Plagg Tongue ).

Ich habe keine Ohrlöcher, daher wünsche ich mir ein Kuscheltier, am allerliebsten die süße Biene Pollen! Pollen

Frohe Weihnachten euch allen! Adrien Heart

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